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Stillwater Point Church 2023

Feels Like Home

Visitors say it feels like coming home when they spend time at Stillwater Point Church. It’s like a second family where they feel loved, valued and served. Tender hearts feel safe to be in solitude. Worshippers sense the presence of God. Weary souls find rest and restoration. Dreamers find vision and searchers find guidance. Everyone finds beauty. 

“Dear Brian & Jan —
With each visit I’m finding it harder to leave this ‘sacred space.’ Stillwater feels like ‘coming home’ to a place where I feel surrounded by all of God’s amazing goodness. There’s no place where I feel closer to my Abba Father and experience such sweet communion with Him. Truly an anointed ministry and experience. The two of you are filled with the pure, compassionate love of Jesus. Thank you for always making me feel so valued and loved. Praying that God continues to bless you more abundantly than you ever dreamed possible.— Dina”


Worship & Guidance

"Refreshing time! I really feel the presence of God." -K

"Very special place to encounter God every time." -HL


"27 Leaders empowered by the Holy Spirit." -GS

"We love this place and the Spirit all around it." -KD


"God gently whispered, inviting me to “just be.” -TH

"Space to feel what I’ve tried to avoid feeling." -MH

"Able to let go of fear I didn’t even know I had." -JC

"Awesome opportunity to fellowship with God." -LC

"Stillwater Point is truly a slice of heaven on earth." -S


Provision & Rest

"10 Hours of sleep after crazy month was incredible." -TH

"Chance to getaway, relax and breathe on the lake." -TG

"Such a beautiful gift in nature with my friends." -KL

"Loved kayaking, boating, cozy fire and bed." -KP

"We couldn’t have asked for a better retreat!" -LC

"Sums up how you pour your lives into others." -AB

"Prayer labyrinth was a wonderful experience." -JH



Solitude & Restoration

"You’ve made a great place for solitude to flourish." -AB


"What a delight to be in total silence for a day." -MK


"True sense of peace amidst difficulty." -CJ


"Blessed by your kind attention to every detail." -AB

"So thankful for your mission and how it touched us." -AC

"Time so valuable here to feel calm and restored." -CA

"So inviting to come into the ‘thin space’ of God here." -J

"Returning home refreshed, restored and renewed." -J&B



Stillwater Ministry

God blessed us in so many ways to minister in 2023 at Stillwater Point Church. Here are just a few…


-CHURCHES including Bridgeway Community, Mercy Road, Indy Vineyard, Hosanna House of Praise and Grace Fishers

-NON-PROFITS like National Christian Foundation, FHL, Hands of Hope, Women Growing on Purpose, Chorus Group and We Bloom/Recovery Cafe


-INDIVIDUALS & GROUPS for birthdays, anniversaries, sabbaticals, contemplation, fellowship, study, training, prayer, worship, listening, team building, planning

-PASTORAL CARE with hospital visits, officiating funerals and weddings, communion, grief & church staff care, visitation & services


-WE CONTINUED TO IMPROVE with new flooring, backup generator, furniture, coffee & ice machines, patio accessories, conference tools, landscape and parking upgrades.

Our investment in ministry paid back many fold in restored souls. Now we’re looking forward to keeping it going in 2024…with a little help from our friends.

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